Obesity has become a raging problem for large sections of the population today. Unhealthy eating patterns, intake of junk food and sedentary lifestyle are a few of the major factors that contribute towards obesity. Most teenagers are prone to obesity. Some teenagers as well as adults are morbidly fat. This physical problem gradually develops into a psychological problem. Obese people begin to develop an inferiority complex and low self-esteem. They shy away from the world. They try every possible way to lose weight but fail to do so. Weight loss camps are a perfect solution for such people.
The task of losing weight becomes relatively easy when like-minded people work unanimously to achieve a common goal. Weight loss camps are designed on the concept of "Have Fun While You Burn Calories" These camps are, of at least a weeklong duration. A lot of kids enroll for such camps. Some camps are overnight camps while some camps last for four to six weeks. Special discount packages are designed for multiple week stays. Modern facilities, expert staff, variety of meals and beautiful locations are some of the major highlights of weight loss camps.
The chief aim of weight loss camps is to achieve permanent weight loss. Small portions of food are served at regular intervals. The diet of each individual is customized and monitored everyday. The daily activities of these individuals are increased. Individuals can indulge in outdoor activities like horseback riding and hiking. Individuals have a choice of playing a variety of games like golf and tennis. Group discussions and lectures by eminent fitness experts are conducted during these camps. Cognitive behavioral therapy is adopted in these programs to change the behavioral patterns and life style of the participants. This enables an individual to maintain the weight even after returning to routine life.
Money can be a deciding factor while choosing a camp to enroll. These camps are usually quite expensive. Individuals above fifty or individuals with any history of illness should seek a doctor's advice before enrolling for weight loss camps.
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